Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted an entry in my blog, I've kind of kept busy for a while, but I should be back to posting again hopefully. Quite a few things have changed, for one, I'm not nocturnal anymore, I changed around my sleeping hours to "normal" sleeping hours so I'm awake during the day and sleeping during the night so that I could talk with a certain someone more often than I would be able to if I were nocturnal. Though I'm not entirely sure as to which I would prefer, posting a blog entry before I go to bed about the day I've had, or right when I wake up about the day I had the day before. Posting in the morning when I wake up is sounding a bit better to me just so I won't try to rush it over like I would and am right now since I'm a bit tired.
I got a bit bored of how my page looked again, so I whipped up a few quick things to have a little change of scenery, I've really been itching to use a certain render, and I finally got to use it, although because of it I have to set my settings that my page has "adult content" since there's a bit of nudity in the render in the background. I wasn't too sure what render to use in the new title image, so I was checking around in my renders folder for a while then stumbled across the one that's up now and something about it just stuck to me, so I ended up using it.
The past weekend has been super busy, Saturday I had to go to my brother's graduation ceremony which lasted a while and also his graduation party at my mom's house which I stayed for a while and just ended up sleeping at her place that night. The next day I had to go to Dusty's graduation party at 2pm, stayed until 6:30pm, headed back to my mom's place after that and spent about 2 hours over at her place since Sunday was my birthday and my grandparents visited over there to see me which was nice. It wasn't until about 8:30pm that I headed out home and got online to see some of my friends who had also wished me a happy birthday when I got on. I stayed up chatting with someone who is just my entire world, if I remember right we talked until about either midnight or 1am, and I most definitely heard what I wanted to hear from that person that night, those simple words made it the best day in my entire life, I was and am so happy.
I think I'll end things there, I'm going to bed in about 40 minutes or so, so if there's anyone who is still actually reading this blog, thanks for sticking in there lol, sleep well, and see you all later. ^^