Monday, April 18, 2011

She is my all-time favorite

Hm, not much to talk about today, when I woke up at about 2am Pat wanted to know if I would like to go and solo Molten Core on World of Warcraft with him, I thought it sounded like fun so of course I went along, he's been doing MC every week so he can get something from there so that he can get Thunderfury on his warlock just for the hell of it. After we did MC we figured, why stop there? So we headed over to Karazhan next and downed all the bosses in there, doing old raid instances with 2 people is an easy way to get some money, we were both getting about 20g from each boss just from looting the money off of them, not to mention selling all the things that drop. After Karazhan we thought we'd try Serpentshrine Cavern, SSC, and of course Pat died on the elevator, that was one of the highlights of my day so far, so we cleared some trash and proceeded to the first boss, Hydros the Unstable, and since SSC was a 25 man raid instead of a 10, it was a tad bit harder, even with him going his affliction spec to keep himself up a bit, we still died in the end, though we got the boss to about 57%. But that didn't stop us, we then headed over to AQ 20 (The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj) and easily beat that place, after we tried AQ 40 (The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj) and we kind of had some problems on the first boss, since he interrupts any and all spellcasting  within melee range, whoever had aggro could not cast a single spell unless it was an instant cast spell, then there's his mind control ability, though if it were just those two abilities we would have downed him easily, but the thing that got us was that the boss does a sort of mirror image ability and makes 2 copies of himself, both also have that interrupt ability and there was always at least the boss or one of the copies on each of us, so since he's a Warlock and I'm a Mage, we couldn't down him, we tried skipping him but turns out you need to down him before you can advance on, oh well. 
So far today I have not watched any anime yet, which kind of surprises me, but I'll watch some more sooner or later. Only 8 more days until the Omamori Himari manga volume 3 comes out in the US from, I had pre-ordered volume 2 and 3 sometime back in early December, and volume 2 is waiting for volume 3 to be out in order to ship, I can't wait until those come in. I had already ordered volume one the same day I pre-ordered the other two volumes, but it was already out so I already have that at the moment, I ♥ the Omamori Himari manga/series, if anyone didn't know already Himari from Omamori Himari is my favorite character of all time ever since I first started reading the Omamori Himari manga about two years ago or so.
Anyways I have some things to sort out then I'll probably end up either watching some anime or doing a little bit more of WoW, or maybe both, depending on how much time I have, hope you all have a good day! ^^

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Downtime is a little irritating

Going to keep this entry rather shorter than normal, I have quite the headache and I'm easily getting irritated at things, I did take some aspirin, so now I just have to wait for them to kick in. I started to level my warlock on World of Warcraft earlier so I could PvP with her at 85, but after about 45 minutes I kind of lost the motivation to do so, and just didn't really care for it anymore. I'd still like to PvP, but I have absolutely no clue what class I'd like to PvP with.
Pat has about caught up to where I am in the Bleach series, he only has three more episodes left to watch then I can finally continue on and see what happens next. Because I'm waiting for him to catch up I have been so bored and wanting to watch something but I don't know what I'd like to watch, I'll probably resume watching Ookami-san though, which I won't mind so much, I think I still have a few episodes left to download of that series before I have all of the episodes downloaded, I should probably check on that after writing this blog.
The forum I visit regularly, Nihonomaru, has randomly gone down three times within the past 20 minutes and it's really starting to irritate me, maybe it's also because of the headache but oh well. Speaking of irritating and anger, I found out that every week on Thursdays there is a new rage quit video out, and last week's was hilarious! He was playing an Xbox360 arcade game called N+, I've never heard of it before but it doesn't seem too fun in my opinion.
I was bored earlier so I decided to mess around in Photoshop, and I ended up making myself a new signature+avatar set with Saeko Busujima to use on forums, I'm really satisfied with how the end results look, though it's a bit ecchi since most of all pictures of Saeko Busujima are somewhat ecchi to begin with, but I don't mind it.

Speaking of signatures, I was on earlier today and came across a signature of Saeko Busujima done by ~phideki, I absolutely loved it.

Anyways I'll just end it at that, I'm going to go find something to watch or something to keep my occupied, hope you all have a good day.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I couldn't resist watching more

Today wasn't a very eventful day, although I seem to keep waking up later and later with each day, when I woke up it was already 3am, I've definitely got to set my hours back quite a bit. I seem to be slowly getting better as each day passes by though which is good. For a little while I almost felt like getting back into Facebook, but that quickly changed, I don't know why but Facebook just does not interest me at all.
I was browsing and saw a featured video in one of their posts on the front page about an arena team with the human rogue known as Reckful, his 3v3 team is subtlety rogue/shadow priest/restoration druid, and I have to say they're pretty good lol, good enough that their 3v3 arena team rating is 3000+, they have definitely got to be within the top 5 in their battlegroup in my opinion, after watching Reckful's arena video it made me want to PvP so I'm still kind of debating whether or not I'd like to. 
I also saw a picture from The Daily Blink in one of MMO-Champion's posts today as well, and it gave me quite a good laugh.

Click to enlarge.

Pat had gone to sleep before he could tell me if he had caught up to where I was in the series Bleach or not so I got a little impatient and decided to watch 5 more episodes, if he wasn't caught up, then he'll just have to watch 5 additional episodes, and I really want to know what's going to happen next so he better catch up within the next few days since he's not far off otherwise I'm just going to go on without him. >.< Ever since I've finished the series Highschool of the Dead, I've had a bit of an obsession with Saeko Busujima, if you ask me why I honestly really don't know how to say it other than I think she's a badass girl, as well as cute, pretty and beautiful, and I like her fighting style and personality as well.
Anyways I'm going to go find something to do for a little bit then head off to bed, hope you all have a great day. ^^

♥Saeko Busujima♥

Friday, April 15, 2011

Whoops, almost forgot about an entry today

Yikes, I got caught up in some things and didn't notice that it was already 2pm, I almost forgot to write an entry for today. Today wasn't really all that interesting, just about nothing happened, except my dad and brother came to visit me to see how I'm doing since I've been sick, which I'm happy they came to visit, I just hope my brother doesn't catch what my dad gave to me lol. It seems like Pat is getting sick with something as well, though it's not from any of us I know that for sure, though whatever he has, I hope he feels better soon. ^^
I should be able to start watching Bleach again within the next couple of days, my friend Pat has started to catch up to where I am, the last episode I watched was episode 55, and I believe the last episode he watched before he went to bed was 48 I think. But since I was craving some anime today and could not watch Bleach, I had four choices, I could either, 1. Resume watching Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi, 2. Resume watching Highschool of the Dead, 3. Pick up a new series, or 4. Start re-watching a series I've seen before. I definitely didn't feel like picking up a new series nor re-watching any, and I didn't really want to watch any Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi today, so I resumed watching Highschool of the Dead, before I had taken a long, long break from it, I last watched episode 3, so I downloaded the rest of the episodes in the series and started to watch. I intended to only watch about 3 or 4 episodes but after so many I got hooked on it and ended up finishing the series, which is 12 episodes long. I do hope they make a sequel since there wasn't really much of an ending to it, but regardless it is definitely still a great series.
Anyways since I spaced out and nearly forgot to write this, I'm just going to keep this one rather short so I can go and get some rest, yeah yeah I know my sleeping schedule is sooooo screwed up right now, but I'll fix it later sometime when I'm not sick.

Alice Maresato from Highschool of the Dead is soooo cute. ^^ ♥

I cannot believe there wasn't a single screencap of this moment in episode 11 with Alice in that ridiculously cute puppy costume, so I just had to go and take a screencap of it myself, since it didn't show a full bodyview of the costume in a single shot I just ended up combining two separate screenshots into one so you can see more of it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Small re-designs to the blog

If there is one thing I absolutely hate about being sick, it is the restless nights, I always seem to keep waking up every hour or two then having to try and get back to sleep, I'm guessing that is one of the reasons why I'm sleeping quite a lot, other than sleeping a lot just because I'm sick. Along with the fatigue, headache, and upset stomach, I now also have a sore throat and it would sound like I'm losing my voice a little, I believe this is a sinus infection that I caught from my dad when I was visiting him a few days ago. I slept for about 11 hours yesterday, from 2pm to 1am, when I woke up at 7pm I was tempted to take my pillow and blankets downstairs to sleep down there on the couch since it's very cool/chilly down there, though I didn't feel like getting up so I just stayed in bed until I fell asleep again.
I texted Pat and Jennifer when I woke up to see if either of them were up, Pat had apparently just woken up not too long before I did because he was hungry, although Jennifer didn't wake up until about 2:15am, I feel so bad that she caught what I have. Anyways once Pat found something to eat and had a quick cigarette he hopped on Ventrilo and chatted with me some while he was playing World of Warcraft, he wanted to know if I would like to log on to World of Warcraft and queue up for a random Heroic Dungeon together with him, and since I haven't been on WoW for the past couple of days because of me being sick I told him sure. The first group we had gotten was pretty bad, the dungeon was The Stonecore, the group was decently heroic geared, the tank was pretty well heroic dungeon geared as well, although he did not know how to tank the third boss in that place at all, so after about 5-7 wipes on that guy who is really easy, Pat and I left the group and queued up again, the other group we got was much better and a lot quicker at clearing the instance as well. Pat was pretty pissed, after we did the Heroic Dungeon so he could get his daily 70 Valor Points from the random, he was 20 Valor Points off from buying his cloak, so he's going to have to wait until tomorrow to get it.
I felt like replacing the title image on this blog to somewhat match the background a little bit color-wise and image-wise so I messed around a little in Photoshop today and just quickly made something to put up there for now, I didn't spend too much time on it since I just wanted there to be a new image up there so I may or may not spice it up later on when I get the time to. I also wanted to add something over on the side bar of the blog but I wasn't sure what to add, so I just ended up making a little reminder with Stocking in it and putting it below the Followers and Follow by Email thing, it's simple and yet I don't think it looks too bad at all, I rather like it
For anyone who enjoyed the Fable 3 rage quit video I'll link just one more which is another one of my favorites, it is of him playing Super Meat Boy. Anyways I just cooked myself some chicken noodle soup and I need to go eat it before it starts to get cold.

Warning, video contains strong language.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Being sick is never fun

Sorry for not posting for the last two days, I don't know who I caught it from but for the past couple days I've been sick and have been feeling like total crap, I've had these horrible headaches, my body has felt incredibly weak and on top of that my stomach has been upset so I don't really have many choices on what I can eat right now, for the most part I've just been eating some crackers as well as drinking water, it's getting a little better though which is good, although I feel a little bad because I think Jennifer caught whatever I have from me, hopefully she feels better soon.
I've gotten up to episode 55 in the series Bleach, and things are really getting heated up, though I've temporarily stopped watching so Pat, the friend who got me hooked on the series, can catch up to where I am so we can watch it together. So since I couldn't watch any more of Bleach today, I decided to finally finish a couple series that I've put off from finishing for sooooo long. One is Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, and the other is Motto To Love-Ru. I had three episodes to finish with both series, and I was really wanting more from each of the series, I really like them and hope that more come out from them.
So I was talking with Dave and Pat a couple of days ago and Dave told us to go to this link he had given us and to play the game that was on there, the game is called QWOP, I don't really want to try to describe it but it is pretty hard and dumb in my opinion lol. About 10 minutes later Dave found this video on Youtube of a guy raging over the QWOP game, so we checked it out and it was so hilarious! I laughed so hard from the Fable 3 rage quit video that I actually gave myself a headache from laughing too hard. Apparently people suggest this guy different games that could be somewhat hard and very rage-prone, and of course the guy releases a video of him playing that certain game, while raging about it, from the way he sounds it definitely does not seem staged, which makes it so much more hilarious, two of my favorite rage-quit videos from him are Fable 3 and Super Meat Boy, I'll leave the Fable 3 rage quit video below in case any of you want to check it out.

Warning, video contains strong language.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

More designs, maybe

My sleeping hours are so screwed right now, I went to sleep yesterday at about 1pm because I was hanging out with Pat and Jennifer, I woke up at about 8pm then decided to head on home. I do prefer being up at night rather than during the day, but waking up at 8pm is a little bit too late for me, and I was going to sleep early tonight to try and set back my sleeping hours a little bit, but I am not even remotely tired right now, and it's 7:03am right now, so I don't think I'll be going to bed anytime soon like I had wished.
Pat and I were watching episodes of Bleach together earlier by communicating on Ventrilo, we would load up the video, then over Ventrilo he would countdown, 3, 2, 1, then go, and as he said go we would both hit the play button to start the video so we were watching it at the same time, after one episode he had to go to some quick shopping so I was figuring out what to do with this spare time while I was waiting for him to get back so we could start on some episodes again. So I opened photoshop and started messing around with some things, first with a Yachiru Kusajishi render, as shown below.

And because Pat was the one who got me into the Bleach series, I thought I'd do something with one of his pictures in photoshop.

The end result was a little funnier than I thought it would be.

Both him and I got a pretty good laugh out of it, he thought it was pretty awesome and really loves it. Messing around in photoshop today has got me wanting to make some more things, some specifically for here on the blog that could possibly somewhat spice things up with the designs and what-not, although I'm not exactly sure where to start or what I'd want to add onto the page, if I do it will most likely just be something over to the side of the page, maybe something just for looks, maybe something with some things on it, I honestly have no clue what I'd do with it yet, but I'll most likely try to make something sooner or later.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Going to try and change things up a little bit

I'm thinking I may not make the entries quite so long, possibly keep them short and summarize parts or just mention a few things that I've done during the day. I'll give that a try and see how it works out, though I'm thinking it will work out better that way,  because I seem to run out of things to mention/talk about when I try to make them longer entries.
I had put up a request a couple days ago for a new signature and avatar set to use on some forums, and when I woke up at about 9pm, yeah I know it's late but for some reason my alarm didn't go off, I logged on to check to see if I  had gotten any responses to my request yet and I did get a response, Daken from took the request and made a set for me, and I really like it and am very satisfied with how it looks, I highly doubt Daken is reading this, but just in-case, thanks again for the lovely signature and avatar set. :)
When I had hanged out with Pat, Jon, Collin, and Jordan earlier this week Pat had talked me into trying out League of Legends later on in the week, so I downloaded it earlier during the night and played a little bit with Pat and Jon, I liked it, it was pretty fun to me, so I'm definitely looking forward to playing some more of that with those two.
For now, I am going to end this entry and go off to watch some more episodes of Bleach. I won't be on later to write another entry tonight/tomorrow morning since I'll be hanging out with Jennifer and then heading to Pat's place to hang out with him later, but I'll be back sometime later tomorrow to write one with anything that's new, even though I only really have a few readers, for those who are reading this, thanks again for reading and I will be back sometime tomorrow. ^^

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And I'm back, from outer space!...I wish, but back nonetheless!

My oh my has the past month been busy, sorry I haven't been able to write, though things are finally starting to clear up enough that I'll be able to continue on writing some more blogs, even if there are just a select few readers out there. I'm not exactly sure where to start to be honest, though I guess I've got to start somewhere so I might as well just choose a spot and go on from there.
 I do have some rather bad news, within the past month, my great grandmother did pass away, she was 83 years old and went out real peacefully, she's in a better place now, and I'll bet she's enjoying herself. Some relatives of mine came into town to visit my grandmother and to make sure she was doing alright with all that was going on, both of my aunts from my mother's side, and then a bit later my uncle from my mother's side as well, it was real nice to see them all again. I also got to see my aunt's new baby Miya, she's so cute and adorable, though she really hates taking a bath, for now at least. On the subject of relatives, I may be visiting one or both of my aunts later on during the year, possibly during the summer to spend some time over there with them and as well as with my uncles and cousins, I'm really looking forward to it if I do.
Sunday night I hung out with some friends, it was pretty fun, it was Pat, Collin, Jon, Jordan and I. For the first hour we kind of just sat around in Hayley's garage chatting to her some, but soon left and headed over to Pat's house. We were pretty bored over there for quite a while, and then decided to watch a movie on his Xbox 360, but we had a slight problem, we were missing the controllers because apparently they left them over at someone else's house, which bummed us out a bit. So we decided to text some friends to see if they had any controller we could borrow, but no one did. We then realized that he had a DVD player in his up-stairs living room, so we went and got that, plugged it in and we had quite a few movies to watch, though we only watched one, which was The Human Centipede, I honestly thought that movie was going to be a lot better than it was, in my opinion, that was quite a crappy movie and a waste of my time, it had a few good laughs, but totally not worth it. Since we had some down-time in between figuring out we had no controllers for the Xbox to watch the movie with and realizing we had a DVD player, Jon fell asleep out of boredom, so he fell asleep at around midnight or 1 in the morning. After the movie we kind of sat around for a little bit just chatting, then decided to go out to the gas station to pick up a few things, and refill Collin's truck with some gas while we were at it, then headed back over to Pat's place and hung out there for a little bit more, though Collin went to bed shortly after and we borrowed his truck to go back up to the gas station since we forgot something, headed on back then watched some videos on youtube while Jordan fell asleep, then I fell asleep, and Pat kind of went to bed as we were leaving the next evening at 2pm. 
After that, Jon and I hung out with James for a little bit before heading over and visiting our uncle that was in town who was staying at our grandma's and grandpa's place, it was pretty fun, whenever some other family is in town we always play cards for quite a while, almost like a tradition, I just love it. We stayed til about midnight that day then went home, although the next day we went up to visit again and of course like always, got into playing cards, though I'm not complaining, I love playing cards with them, I don't remember how late we stayed that night but it was pretty late again as well. The next day, Wednesday, we went up to visit him again since he leaves 10 in the morning on Thursday, but because he had to get up so early we only stayed until about 9:30pm then headed on home, I packed my things up from my mom's place and headed on home after we got to her place.
Since my schedule has been freeing up quite a bit the past few days, I decided to redo the design on my blog page, and I must say I am rather happy with the end results, looks a lot better than what it looked like before. And if you can tell by the new design of my blog profile, I have found a new anime to be obsessed with, but before that, I did finish Sora no Otoshimono: Forte and MM!, I am very happy and satisfied with the endings from both series and they are definitely ones I'll be watching again sometime soon. I picked up a series called "Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi", I thought it would be somewhat better, but I still like the series and am looking forward to watching some more after the long busy month I've had, I last left on episode 6 out of 12 and I know I'll have to re-watch episode 6 so I remember what was going on in the series before going on with newer episodes. For the first time my friend Pat got me into an anime series instead of me getting him into one, it's called "Bleach", very, very, very long series, I believe it's up to it's 316th episode so far, but I'm only on episode 15, but I'll make sure that I catch up someday. I'm really hooked onto Bleach right now, so far it's a great series, and my favorite character by far from there is Rukia Kuchiki, I just love her, she's so adorable and cute in my opinion, I was going to watch some more episodes of Bleach tonight but I had some things to catch up on since I've been gone for quite a while so I couldn't get the chance to, but I am very much looking forward to watching quite a lot more episodes of Bleach later today when I wake up.
I love spring, and I really love that it's finally here, but there's something I don't like that comes along with spring, tornado season. I absolutely hate tornadoes, luckily so far there hasn't been too many, though it's still quite early into spring so there may be many more to come. On the subject of disasters, I really hope Japan gets better and wish them all the luck they can get. ♥
Well I think it's time to conclude this entry, I doubt that all my entries will be this long again if I do decide to do them pretty frequently since not much really goes on in my life, but I'll write nonetheless. As always, I'll leave a link at the bottom for any new anime I've introduced in-case any select few of you readers are interested, thanks for reading. :)