Thursday, April 14, 2011

Small re-designs to the blog

If there is one thing I absolutely hate about being sick, it is the restless nights, I always seem to keep waking up every hour or two then having to try and get back to sleep, I'm guessing that is one of the reasons why I'm sleeping quite a lot, other than sleeping a lot just because I'm sick. Along with the fatigue, headache, and upset stomach, I now also have a sore throat and it would sound like I'm losing my voice a little, I believe this is a sinus infection that I caught from my dad when I was visiting him a few days ago. I slept for about 11 hours yesterday, from 2pm to 1am, when I woke up at 7pm I was tempted to take my pillow and blankets downstairs to sleep down there on the couch since it's very cool/chilly down there, though I didn't feel like getting up so I just stayed in bed until I fell asleep again.
I texted Pat and Jennifer when I woke up to see if either of them were up, Pat had apparently just woken up not too long before I did because he was hungry, although Jennifer didn't wake up until about 2:15am, I feel so bad that she caught what I have. Anyways once Pat found something to eat and had a quick cigarette he hopped on Ventrilo and chatted with me some while he was playing World of Warcraft, he wanted to know if I would like to log on to World of Warcraft and queue up for a random Heroic Dungeon together with him, and since I haven't been on WoW for the past couple of days because of me being sick I told him sure. The first group we had gotten was pretty bad, the dungeon was The Stonecore, the group was decently heroic geared, the tank was pretty well heroic dungeon geared as well, although he did not know how to tank the third boss in that place at all, so after about 5-7 wipes on that guy who is really easy, Pat and I left the group and queued up again, the other group we got was much better and a lot quicker at clearing the instance as well. Pat was pretty pissed, after we did the Heroic Dungeon so he could get his daily 70 Valor Points from the random, he was 20 Valor Points off from buying his cloak, so he's going to have to wait until tomorrow to get it.
I felt like replacing the title image on this blog to somewhat match the background a little bit color-wise and image-wise so I messed around a little in Photoshop today and just quickly made something to put up there for now, I didn't spend too much time on it since I just wanted there to be a new image up there so I may or may not spice it up later on when I get the time to. I also wanted to add something over on the side bar of the blog but I wasn't sure what to add, so I just ended up making a little reminder with Stocking in it and putting it below the Followers and Follow by Email thing, it's simple and yet I don't think it looks too bad at all, I rather like it
For anyone who enjoyed the Fable 3 rage quit video I'll link just one more which is another one of my favorites, it is of him playing Super Meat Boy. Anyways I just cooked myself some chicken noodle soup and I need to go eat it before it starts to get cold.

Warning, video contains strong language.

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