Thursday, April 7, 2011

And I'm back, from outer space!...I wish, but back nonetheless!

My oh my has the past month been busy, sorry I haven't been able to write, though things are finally starting to clear up enough that I'll be able to continue on writing some more blogs, even if there are just a select few readers out there. I'm not exactly sure where to start to be honest, though I guess I've got to start somewhere so I might as well just choose a spot and go on from there.
 I do have some rather bad news, within the past month, my great grandmother did pass away, she was 83 years old and went out real peacefully, she's in a better place now, and I'll bet she's enjoying herself. Some relatives of mine came into town to visit my grandmother and to make sure she was doing alright with all that was going on, both of my aunts from my mother's side, and then a bit later my uncle from my mother's side as well, it was real nice to see them all again. I also got to see my aunt's new baby Miya, she's so cute and adorable, though she really hates taking a bath, for now at least. On the subject of relatives, I may be visiting one or both of my aunts later on during the year, possibly during the summer to spend some time over there with them and as well as with my uncles and cousins, I'm really looking forward to it if I do.
Sunday night I hung out with some friends, it was pretty fun, it was Pat, Collin, Jon, Jordan and I. For the first hour we kind of just sat around in Hayley's garage chatting to her some, but soon left and headed over to Pat's house. We were pretty bored over there for quite a while, and then decided to watch a movie on his Xbox 360, but we had a slight problem, we were missing the controllers because apparently they left them over at someone else's house, which bummed us out a bit. So we decided to text some friends to see if they had any controller we could borrow, but no one did. We then realized that he had a DVD player in his up-stairs living room, so we went and got that, plugged it in and we had quite a few movies to watch, though we only watched one, which was The Human Centipede, I honestly thought that movie was going to be a lot better than it was, in my opinion, that was quite a crappy movie and a waste of my time, it had a few good laughs, but totally not worth it. Since we had some down-time in between figuring out we had no controllers for the Xbox to watch the movie with and realizing we had a DVD player, Jon fell asleep out of boredom, so he fell asleep at around midnight or 1 in the morning. After the movie we kind of sat around for a little bit just chatting, then decided to go out to the gas station to pick up a few things, and refill Collin's truck with some gas while we were at it, then headed back over to Pat's place and hung out there for a little bit more, though Collin went to bed shortly after and we borrowed his truck to go back up to the gas station since we forgot something, headed on back then watched some videos on youtube while Jordan fell asleep, then I fell asleep, and Pat kind of went to bed as we were leaving the next evening at 2pm. 
After that, Jon and I hung out with James for a little bit before heading over and visiting our uncle that was in town who was staying at our grandma's and grandpa's place, it was pretty fun, whenever some other family is in town we always play cards for quite a while, almost like a tradition, I just love it. We stayed til about midnight that day then went home, although the next day we went up to visit again and of course like always, got into playing cards, though I'm not complaining, I love playing cards with them, I don't remember how late we stayed that night but it was pretty late again as well. The next day, Wednesday, we went up to visit him again since he leaves 10 in the morning on Thursday, but because he had to get up so early we only stayed until about 9:30pm then headed on home, I packed my things up from my mom's place and headed on home after we got to her place.
Since my schedule has been freeing up quite a bit the past few days, I decided to redo the design on my blog page, and I must say I am rather happy with the end results, looks a lot better than what it looked like before. And if you can tell by the new design of my blog profile, I have found a new anime to be obsessed with, but before that, I did finish Sora no Otoshimono: Forte and MM!, I am very happy and satisfied with the endings from both series and they are definitely ones I'll be watching again sometime soon. I picked up a series called "Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi", I thought it would be somewhat better, but I still like the series and am looking forward to watching some more after the long busy month I've had, I last left on episode 6 out of 12 and I know I'll have to re-watch episode 6 so I remember what was going on in the series before going on with newer episodes. For the first time my friend Pat got me into an anime series instead of me getting him into one, it's called "Bleach", very, very, very long series, I believe it's up to it's 316th episode so far, but I'm only on episode 15, but I'll make sure that I catch up someday. I'm really hooked onto Bleach right now, so far it's a great series, and my favorite character by far from there is Rukia Kuchiki, I just love her, she's so adorable and cute in my opinion, I was going to watch some more episodes of Bleach tonight but I had some things to catch up on since I've been gone for quite a while so I couldn't get the chance to, but I am very much looking forward to watching quite a lot more episodes of Bleach later today when I wake up.
I love spring, and I really love that it's finally here, but there's something I don't like that comes along with spring, tornado season. I absolutely hate tornadoes, luckily so far there hasn't been too many, though it's still quite early into spring so there may be many more to come. On the subject of disasters, I really hope Japan gets better and wish them all the luck they can get. ♥
Well I think it's time to conclude this entry, I doubt that all my entries will be this long again if I do decide to do them pretty frequently since not much really goes on in my life, but I'll write nonetheless. As always, I'll leave a link at the bottom for any new anime I've introduced in-case any select few of you readers are interested, thanks for reading. :)

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