Hm, not much to talk about today, when I woke up at about 2am Pat wanted to know if I would like to go and solo Molten Core on World of Warcraft with him, I thought it sounded like fun so of course I went along, he's been doing MC every week so he can get something from there so that he can get Thunderfury on his warlock just for the hell of it. After we did MC we figured, why stop there? So we headed over to Karazhan next and downed all the bosses in there, doing old raid instances with 2 people is an easy way to get some money, we were both getting about 20g from each boss just from looting the money off of them, not to mention selling all the things that drop. After Karazhan we thought we'd try Serpentshrine Cavern, SSC, and of course Pat died on the elevator, that was one of the highlights of my day so far, so we cleared some trash and proceeded to the first boss, Hydros the Unstable, and since SSC was a 25 man raid instead of a 10, it was a tad bit harder, even with him going his affliction spec to keep himself up a bit, we still died in the end, though we got the boss to about 57%. But that didn't stop us, we then headed over to AQ 20 (The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj) and easily beat that place, after we tried AQ 40 (The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj) and we kind of had some problems on the first boss, since he interrupts any and all spellcasting within melee range, whoever had aggro could not cast a single spell unless it was an instant cast spell, then there's his mind control ability, though if it were just those two abilities we would have downed him easily, but the thing that got us was that the boss does a sort of mirror image ability and makes 2 copies of himself, both also have that interrupt ability and there was always at least the boss or one of the copies on each of us, so since he's a Warlock and I'm a Mage, we couldn't down him, we tried skipping him but turns out you need to down him before you can advance on, oh well.
So far today I have not watched any anime yet, which kind of surprises me, but I'll watch some more sooner or later. Only 8 more days until the Omamori Himari manga volume 3 comes out in the US from, I had pre-ordered volume 2 and 3 sometime back in early December, and volume 2 is waiting for volume 3 to be out in order to ship, I can't wait until those come in. I had already ordered volume one the same day I pre-ordered the other two volumes, but it was already out so I already have that at the moment, I ♥ the Omamori Himari manga/series, if anyone didn't know already Himari from Omamori Himari is my favorite character of all time ever since I first started reading the Omamori Himari manga about two years ago or so.
Anyways I have some things to sort out then I'll probably end up either watching some anime or doing a little bit more of WoW, or maybe both, depending on how much time I have, hope you all have a good day! ^^
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