Sunday, April 10, 2011

More designs, maybe

My sleeping hours are so screwed right now, I went to sleep yesterday at about 1pm because I was hanging out with Pat and Jennifer, I woke up at about 8pm then decided to head on home. I do prefer being up at night rather than during the day, but waking up at 8pm is a little bit too late for me, and I was going to sleep early tonight to try and set back my sleeping hours a little bit, but I am not even remotely tired right now, and it's 7:03am right now, so I don't think I'll be going to bed anytime soon like I had wished.
Pat and I were watching episodes of Bleach together earlier by communicating on Ventrilo, we would load up the video, then over Ventrilo he would countdown, 3, 2, 1, then go, and as he said go we would both hit the play button to start the video so we were watching it at the same time, after one episode he had to go to some quick shopping so I was figuring out what to do with this spare time while I was waiting for him to get back so we could start on some episodes again. So I opened photoshop and started messing around with some things, first with a Yachiru Kusajishi render, as shown below.

And because Pat was the one who got me into the Bleach series, I thought I'd do something with one of his pictures in photoshop.

The end result was a little funnier than I thought it would be.

Both him and I got a pretty good laugh out of it, he thought it was pretty awesome and really loves it. Messing around in photoshop today has got me wanting to make some more things, some specifically for here on the blog that could possibly somewhat spice things up with the designs and what-not, although I'm not exactly sure where to start or what I'd want to add onto the page, if I do it will most likely just be something over to the side of the page, maybe something just for looks, maybe something with some things on it, I honestly have no clue what I'd do with it yet, but I'll most likely try to make something sooner or later.

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